Magic Tour 2007

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19. desember 2007
O2 Arena, London - England
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Night
4. Lonesome Day
5. Gypsy Biker
6. Magic
7. Reason To Believe
8. Because The Night
9. She`s The One
10. Livin' In The Future
11. The Promised Land
12. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
13. Working On The Highway
14. Racing In The Street
15. Devil`s Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
21. Jungleland
22. Born To Run
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. American Land
25. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
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17. desember 2007
Palais Omnisports De Bercy, Paris - Frankrike
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Night
4. Lonesome Day
5. Gypsy Biker
6. Magic
7. Reason to believe
8. Because the night
9. She's the One.
10. Livin' in the Future
11. The Promised Land
12. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
13. The River
14. Devils arcade
15. The rising
16. Last to die
17. Long walk home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in their summer clothes
20. Jungleland
21. Born to run
22. Dancing in the dark
23. American land
24. Santa claus is coming to town
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15. desember 2007
Odyssey Arena, Belfast - Irland
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Because The Night
8. She's The One
9. Living In The Future
10. Promised Land
11. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
12. The River
13. I'll Work for Your Love
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Kitty's Back
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
24. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
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13. desember 2007
Koln Arena, Köln - Tyskland
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Ties that Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Because the Night
8. She's the One
9. Living in the Future
10. Promised land
11. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
12. The River
13. I'll Work For Your Love
14. Devils Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Kitty's Back
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
24. Santa Claus (med Wolfgang Niedecken )
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12. desember 2007.
Sports Paleis, Antverpen - Belgia
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Because The Night (Tour Premiere)
8. She's the One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. Promised Land
11. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
12. The River
13. Working On The Highway
14. Devils Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in their Summerclothes
20. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
21. Born to Run
22. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. American Land
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10. desember 2007.
Globen, Stockholm - Sverige
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Belive
7. Candy's Room
8. She's The One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. The River
13. Working On The Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Jungleland
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
24. Santa Claus Is Comming To Town
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8. desember 2007.
Forum, Københgavn - Danmark
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Darkness on the Edge of Town
8. She's the One
9. Living in The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. The River (Tour Premiere)
13. 10th Avenue freeze Out
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their summer Clothes
20. Kitty"s Back
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
The River (video)
Fotomontasje med lyd
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4. desember 2007.
Oslo Spektrum, Oslo - Norge
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Jackson Cage
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Working on the Highway
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Cadillac Ranch (by request)
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
Hele konserten i MP3
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2. desember 2007.
Sap Arena, Mannheim - Tyskland
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Jackson Cage
8. She’s The One
9. Livin' In The Future
10.The Promised Land
11. Working On The Highway
12. Tunnel Of Love
13. Darkness on the Edge of Town
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
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1. desember 2007.
Geldredome, Arnhem Nederland (Utsatt en dag pga sykdom)
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's The One
9. Living In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Darlington County
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Night
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. The Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Santa Claus Is Comming To Town (Tour Premiere)
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - Video
Long Walk Home - video
Tunnel Of Love - video
Bilder fra konserten
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28. november 2007.
Datchforum, Milano Italia
1. Radio Nowhere
2. The Ties That Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Adam Raised A Cain
8. She's The One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. Incident On 57th Street
13. E Street Shuffle
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. American Land
Bilder fra konserten
Flere bilder
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26. november 2007.
Bilbao Exhibition Centre, Bilbao - Spania
01. Radio Nowhere
02. Night
03. Lonsome day
04. Gypsy Biker
05. Magic
06. Reason to believe
07. Jackson Cage
08. Living in the future
09. She´s the one
10. The Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. Backstreets
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in their summer clothes
20. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
21. Born To Run
22. Kitty's Back
23. Dancing in the dark
24. American land
Bilder fra konserten
Flere bilder
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25. november 2007.
Palacio De Deportes, Madrid - Spania
1 Radio Nowhere
2 No Surrender
3 Lonesome day
4 Gipsy Biker
5 Magic
6 Reason To Believe
7 Darkness On The Edge Of Town
8 Candy's Room
9 She's The one
10 Livin' In The Future
11 The Promised Land
12 Tunnel Of Love
13 Working On The Highway
14 Devils Arcade
15 The Rising
16 Last to Die
17 Long Walk Home
18 Badlands
19 Girls in the summer clothes
20 Thunder Road
21 Born To Run
22 Dancing In The Dark
23 American Land
Bilder fra konserten
Flere bilder
Aldri vært bedre: ABC Nyheter
Öppning som knockar allt: Gøteborgs-Posten
Brucende og bombastisk: Dagbladet
Springsteen är fantástico: Aftonbladet
Norske Bruce fans i ekstase: VG
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19. november 2007.
TD Banknorth Garden, Boston
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
8. Candy's Room
9. She's The One
10. Livin' In The Future
11. This Hard Land (Tour Premiere)
12. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
13. E-Street Shuffle
14. Working on the Highway
15. Devil's Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
21. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out (med Peter Wolf - Tour Premiere)
22. Kitty's Back
23. Born To Run
24. American Land
Hyllest av bandet (Danny) - video
Hyllest fra en annen vinkel - video
Danny spiller Sandy - video
Omtale fra
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18. november 2007.
TD Banknorth Garden, Boston
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Jackson Cage
8. She's The One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Working On The Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Jungleland
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
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15. november 2007.
NY Times Union Center, Albany
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
8. Candy's Room
9. She's The One
10. Livin' In The Future
11. The Promised Land
12. I'll Work For Your Love
13. 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) - (Tour Premiere)
14. The E Street Shuffle (Tour Premiere)
15. Devils Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last to Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. American Land
4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) - video
Masse flotte bilder fra konserten
Omtale fra
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14. november 2007.
PA Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Ties Thats Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Night
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. Code Of Silence (med Gruschecky - Tour Premiere)
12. Backstreets
13. Workin' on the Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Youngstown (acoustic - Tour Premiere)
20. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
21. Kitty's Back
22. Born to Run
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. American Land
Youngstown - video
Code Of Silence - Video
Badlands - video (Starter halvveis)
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12. november 2007.
Verizon Arena, Washington D.C.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Ties That Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Jackson Cage
8. She's the One
9. Livin in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. Town Called Heartbreak
12. Backstreets
13. Workin' On The Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
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11. november 2007.
Verizon Arena, Washington D.C.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Night
8. She's The One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Working on the Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in their Summer Clothes
20. Growin' Up (Tour Premiere)
21. Kitty's Back
22. Born To Run
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. American Land
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5. november 2007.
Auburn Hills, MI Palace Of Auburn Hills - Detroit
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Jackson Cage (Tour Premiere)
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. I'll Work For Your Love (World Premiere)
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Workin' On the Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Ramrod (Tour Premiere)
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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4. november 2007.
Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland - OH
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City (tour premiere)
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. A Town Called Heartbreak
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Be True (tour premiere)
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Kitty's Back
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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2. november 2007.
Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul, MN
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Night
8. She's The One
9. Living In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Your Own Worst Enemy
12. Incident on 57th Street
13. Working on the Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Thunder Road
21. BTR
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
Omtale fra konserten (Star Tribune)
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30. oktober 2007.
Los Angeles, CA Venue TBA
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Ties That Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Night
8. She's the One
9. Living in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. Town Called Heartbreak
12. Tunnel of Love
13. Working on the Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Kitty's Back (tour premiere)
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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29. oktober 2007.
Los Angeles, CA Venue TBA
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's The One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. A Town Called Heartbreak
12. Backstreets
13. Working On The Highway
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing in the Dork
23. American Land
Les omtale fra konserten (Los Angeles Times)
Hele konserten i MP3 format
"Badlands" og "Girls in their summer clothes" - video
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26. oktober 2007.
Oracle Arena, Oakland - CA
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Two Hearts (tour premiere)
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Racin' in the Streets (tour premiere)
13. Workin on the Highway (tour premiere)
14. Devils Arcade
15. Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing In The Dark
23. American Land
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25. oktober 2007.
Oracle Arena, Oakland - CA
1) Radio Nowhere
2) The Ties that Bind
3) Lonesome Day
4) Gypsy Biker
5) Magic
6) Reason To Believe
7) Adam Raised A Cain
8) She's The One
9) Livin' In The Future
10) The Promised Land
11) Town Called Heartbreak
12) Backstreets
13) Your Own Worst Enemy
14) Devil's Arcade
15) The Rising
16) Last To Die
17) Long Walk Home
18) Badlands
19) Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20) Thunder Road
21) Born To Run
22) Dancing In The Dark
23) American Land
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22. oktober 2007.
United Center, Chicago
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Prove it All Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's the One
9. Livin' In The Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Tunnel of Love
12. Spirit in the Night
13 Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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21. oktober 2007.
United Center, Chicago
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Adam Raised a Cain
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Your Own Worst Enemy
12. Backstreets
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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18. oktober 2007.
Madison Square Garden, NY.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Tougher Than the Rest
12. Meeting Across The River
13. Jungleland
14. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
15. Devil's Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last to Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
21. Thundercrack
22. Born to Run
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. American Land
Meeting Across The River & Jungleland (MP3)
Hele konserten i god kvalitet med cover
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17. oktober 2007.
Madison Square Garden, NY.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. The Ties That Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Adam Raised a Cain
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Brilliant Disguise
12. Backstreets
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
Omtale fra New York Times
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15. oktober 2007.
Air Canada Centre
Toronto, Canada
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. For You
6. Magic
7. Reason to Believe
8. Candy's Room
9. She's the One
10. Livin' in the Future
11. The Promised Land
12. Town Called Heartbreak
13. Incident on 57th Street
14. Darlington County
15. Devil's Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last to Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
21. Thundercrack
22. Born to Run
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. American Land
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14. oktober 2007
Scotiabank Place
(Civic Centre)
Ottawa, Canada
1. Radio Nowhere
2. The Ties That Bind
3.Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Adam Raised a Cain
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Tougher Than the Rest
12. Backstreets
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. State Trooper
21. Keep the Car Running
22. Born to Run
23. Dancing in the Dark
24. American Land
Keep The Car Running (Video)
State Tropper (Video)
Offisielt videoklipp av State Trooper
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10. oktober 2007.
Continental Airlines Arena - E. Rutherford, NJ.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Night
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Adam Raised a Cain
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. Cynthia
11. The Promised Land
12. Town Called Heartbreak
13. Incident on 57th Street
14. Your Own Worst Enemy
15. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
16. Devil's Arcade
17. The Rising
18. Last to Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
22. Thundercrack
23. Born to Run
24. Dancing in the Dark
25. American Land
Hele konserten:
Part 1 - (Sang 1-13)
Part 2 - (Sang 14-25)
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9. oktober 2007.
Continental Airlines Arena - E. Rutherford, NJ.
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Darkness on the Edge of Town
12. Brilliant Disguise
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
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6. oktober 2006.
Wachovia Center
1. Night
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Prove It All Night
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. The Ties That Bind
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Town Called Heartbreak
12. Incident on 57th Street
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Dancing in the Dark
23. American Land
Dancing In The Dark
Cadillac Ranch
Girls In Their Summer Clothes
Last To Die
Flere klipp fra konserten
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5. oktober 2007.
Wachovia Center
1. Radio Nowhere
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason to Believe
7. Candy's Room
8. She's the One
9. Livin' in the Future
10. The Promised Land
11. Brilliant Disguise
12. My Hometown
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last to Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Waitin' on a Sunny Day
23. American Land
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2. oktober 2007.
Civic Center
Hartford, CT
1. Radio Nowhere
2. Ties That Bind
3. Lonesome Day
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Magic
6. Reason To Believe
7. Night
8. She's the One
9. Livin in the Future
10. Promised Land
11. Town Called Heartbreak
12. Darkness on the Edge of Town
13. Darlington County
14. Devil's Arcade
15. The Rising
16. Last To Die
17. Long Walk Home
18. Badlands
19. Girls in their Summer Clothes
20. Thundercrack
21. Born to Run
22. Waiting on a Sunny Day
23. American Land
Konserten i MP3 format.
Reason To Believe video fra Hartford
Radio Nowhere video fra Hartford
Bilder fra konserten
Scene bilde
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Fullstendig "Magic Tour 2007" turneplan:
Nord Amerika
2/10: Hartford, CT Hartford Civic Center
5/10: Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center
6/10: Philadelphia, PA Wachovia Center
9-10/10: East Rutherford, NJ Continental Airlines Arena
14/10: Ottawa, ONT Civic Centre
15/10: Toronto, ONT Air Canada Centre
17-18/10: New York, NY Madison Square Garden
21-22/10: Chicago, IL United Center
25-26/10: Oakland, CA Oracle Arena
29-30/10: Los Angeles, CA Venue TBA
2/11: St. Paul, MN Xcel Energy Center
4/11: Cleveland, OH Quicken Loans Arena
5/11: Auburn Hills, MI Palace Of Auburn Hills
11-12/11: Washington, D.C. Verizon Arena
14/11: Pittsburgh, PA Mellon Arena
15/11: Albany, NY Times Union Center
18-19/11: Boston, TD Banknorth Garden
25/11: Madrid, SPAIN Palacio De Deportes
26/11: Bilbao, SPAIN Bilbao Exhibition Centre
28/11: Milan, ITALY Datchforum
1/12:: Arnhem, NETHERLANDS Geldredome
2/12: Mannheim, GERMANY Sap Arena
4/12: Oslo, NORWAY Oslo Spektrum
8/12: Copenhagen, DENMARK Forum Copenhagen
10/12: Stockholm, SWEDEN Globe Arena
12/12: Antwerp, BELGIUM Sports Paleis
13/12: Cologne, GERMANY Koln Arena
15/12: Belfast, IRELAND Odyssey Arena
17/12: Paris, FRANCE Palais Omnisports De Bercy
19/12: London, UK O2 Arena