Magic Tour 2008 - Stadion

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30. august 2008.
The Roadhouse at the Lakefront - Milwaukee, WI
1. Gypsy Biker
2. Out In The Street
3. Radio Nowhere
4. The Promised Land
5. Spirit In The Night
6. Wooley Bully (Tour Premiere)
7. Darlington Co.
8. You Can Look But You Better Not Touch
9. Darkness On The Edge of Town
10. Youngstown
11. Murder Inc.
12. She's The One
13. Living In The Future
14. Mary's Place
15. Working On The Highway
16. Racing In The Street
17. The Rising
18. Last To Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. 7 Nights to Rock
22. 4th of July, Asbury Park (med Danny's sønn)
23. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
24. Glory Days
25. Born To Run
26. Rosalita
27. Bobby Jean
28. American Land
29. Thunder Road
30. Dancing In The Dark
31. Born To Be Wild (Tour Premiere)
Pro-shot video fra konserten
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24. august 2008.
Sprint Center - Kansas City, MO
1. Ricky Wants A Man Of Her Own (Tour Premiere)
2. Cynthia
3. Radio Nowhere
4. No Surrender
5. Out in the Street
6. Hungry Heart
7. Spirit In The Night
8. Boys (med Max Weinberg)
9. Cadillac Ranch
10. Working On The Highway
11. It's All Over Now (Tour Premiere)
12. Candy's Room
13. Gypsy Biker
14. Youngstown
15. Promised Land
16 .Livin' In The Future
17. Mary's Place
18. Devils And Dust (Tour Premiere)
19. The Rising
20. Last To Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Badlands
23. 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
24. 10th Ave Freeze-Out
25. Born To Run
26. Rosalita
27. American Land
28. Save The Last Dance For Me (Tour Premiere)
29. Dancing In The Dark
30. Rockin' All Over The World (Tour Premiere)
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23. august 2008.
Scottrade Center - St. Louis, MO
1. Then She Kissed Me (Tour Premiere)
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out in the Street
4. Adam Raised a Cain
5. Spirit in the Night
6. Rendezvous
7. For You (full band)
8. Mountain Of Love (Tour Premiere)
9. Backstreets
10. Gypsy Biker
11. Because the Night
12. Not Fade Away/She's the One (Delvis Tour Premiere)
13. Livin' in the Future
14. Cover Me
15. Mary's Place
16. Drive All Night
17. The Rising
18. Last to Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
22. Jungleland
23. Detroit Medley
24. Born to Run
25. Dancing in the Dark
26. American Land
27. Thunder Road
28. Little Queenie (Tour Premiere)
29. Twist And Shout
Video av "Then She Kissed Me"
Video av "Little Queenie"
Video av "Mountain Of Love"
Video av "Drive All Night"
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21. august 2008.
Sommet Center - Nashville, TN
1. Out in the Street
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. Lonesome Day
5. Spirit in the Night
6. Good Rockin' Tonight (Tour Premiere)
7. Growin' Up
8. I'm Goin' Down
9. Held Up Without a Gun
10. Loose Ends
11. Youngstown
12. Murder Inc.
13. Mona/She's the One (Delvis Tour Premiere)
14. The Promised Land
15. Mary's Place
16. I Walk The Line / I'm on Fire (Delvis Tour Premiere)
17. The Rising
18. Last to Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
22. Thunder Road
23. Born to Run
24. I Fought The Law (Tour Premiere)
25. Rosalita
26. American Land
27. Dancing in the Dark
Video av "I Fought The Law"
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19. august 2008.
Hersheypark Stadium - Hershey, PA
1. Summertime Blues
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out in the Street
4. Spirit in the Night
5. Promised Land
6. Boom Boom (Tour Premiere)
7. Darlington County
8. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
9. Reason to Believe
10. Prove it all Night
11. No Surrender
12. Because the Night
13. She's the One
14. Livin' in the Future
15. Mary's Place
16. Working on the Highway
17. Part Man Part Monkey (Tour Premiere)
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Thunder Road
23. Jungleland
24. Seven Nights To Rock
25. Born To Run
26. Rosalita
27. Tenth Ave Freeze-Out
28. American Land
29. Gloria (Tour Premiere)
Video av Part Man Part Monkey
Video av Lonesome Day
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18. august 2008.
Richmond Coliseum - Richmond, VA
1. Tenth Ave Freezeout
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out In The Street
4. Prove It All Night
5. Lonesome Day
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Stand On It
8. Cadillac Ranch
9. Backstreets
10. For You (solo piano)
11. Youngstown
12. Murder Inc.
13. She's The One
14. Livin In The Future
15. Mary's Place
16. I'll Work For Your Love
17. The Rising
18. Last To Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Crush On You (Tour Premiere)
22. Quarter To Three (Tour Premiere)
23. Born To Run
24. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
25. Bobby Jean
26. Dancing In The Dark
27. American Land
28. Twist & Shout
Video av Backstreets
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16. august 2008.
North Charleston Coliseum - Charleston, SC
1. Double Shot Of My Baby's Love (Tour Premiere)
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out In The Street
4. Two Hearts
5. Spirit In The Night
6. Light of Day
7. Growin' Up
8. Janey Don't You Lose Heart
9. No Surrender
10. Atlantic City
11. Because The Night
12. She's The One
13. Living In The Future
14. Mary's Place
15. Hungry Heart
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20 Streets of Fire
21 Jungleland
22 Born To Run
23 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Dancin In The Dark
25. American Land
26. Twist & Shout
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15. august 2008.
Veterans Memorial Arena - Jacksonville, FL
1. Out In The Street
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. Lonesome Day
5. Spirit in The Night
6. You Can’t Sit Down (Tour Premiere)
7. Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
8. Candy’s Room
9. Loose Ends
10. Youngstown
11. Murder Inc.
12. She’s the One
13. Living in the Future
14. Mary’s Place
15. Back in Your Arms (Tour Premiere)
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
21. Waitin’ On A Sunny Day
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita
24. Glory Days
25. American Land
26. Kitty’s Back
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2. august 2008.
Gillette Stadium, Foxborough - MA
1. Summertime Blues
2. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Lonesome Day
5. The Promised Land
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Tunnel Of Love
8. Little Latin Lupe Lu (Tour Premiere)
9. Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?
10. Hungry Heart
11. Who'll Stop The Rain (Tour Premiere)
12. Youngstown
13. Murder Incorporated
14. She's The One
15. Livin' In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. The Rising
18. Last To Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. I'm Goin' Down
22. Jungleland
23. Born To Run
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. American Land
27. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
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31. juli 2008.
Giants Stadium, East Rutherford - NJ
1. Summertime Blues
2. 10th Avenue Freezeout
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Prove It All Night
5. Two Hearts
6. The Promised Land
7. Spirit in the Night
8. Light of Day
9. Brilliant Disguise
10. Pretty Flamingo (Tour Premiere)
11. Blinded by the Light
12. Cadillac Ranch
13. Candy's Room
14. Night
15. Because the Night
16. She's the One
17. Livin' in the Future
18. Mary's Place
19. Incident on 57th Street
20. The Rising
21. Last to Die
22. Long Walk Home
23. Badlands
24. Jungleland
25. Born to Run
26. Bobby Jean
27. Dancing in the Dark
28. American Land
29. Jersey Girl (Tour Premiere)
30. Rosalita
Summertime Blues (pro-video)
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (pro-video)
Radio Nowhere (pro-video)
Pretty Flamingo (video)
Jersey Girl (video)
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28. juli 2008.
Giants Stadium, East Rutherford - NJ
1. Out In The Street
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. Two Hearts
5. The Promised Land
6. Hungry Heart
7. Summertime Blues
8. Tunnel Of Love
9. Held Up Without A Gun
10. It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
11. Sherry Darling
12. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
13. Because The Night
14. She's The One
15. Livin' In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. Drive All Night
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
23. Thunder Road
24. Detroit Medley
25. Born To Run (med Jay Weinberg på trommer)
26. Glory Days
27. American Land
28. Twist And Shout (med Jesse Malin og Marah's Dave Bielanko )
Born To Run (video med Jay Weinberg på trommer)
No Surrender (pro-video)
Radio Nowhere & Lonesome Day (pro-video)
Out In The Street (pro-video)
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27. juli 2008.
Giants Stadium, East Rutherford - NJ
1. 10th avenue Freeze-out
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. No Surrender
5. Adam Raised a Cain
6. Spirit in the Night
7. Summertime Blues
8. Brillant Disguise
9. Atlantic City
10. Growin' Up
11. Janey Don't you lose Heart
12. I'll work for your Love
13. Youngstown
14. Murder Inc.
15. The Promised Land
16. Living In The Future
17. Mary's Place
18. Working on the Highway
19. Tunnel of Love
20. The Rising
21. Last to Die
22. Long walk Home
23. Badlands
24. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
25. Jungleland
26. Born to Run
27. Bobby Jean
28. Dancing in the Dark
29. American Land
30. Rosalita
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (pro-video)
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20. juli 2008.
Nou Camp Stadium, Barcelona - Spania
1. Tenth Ave Freeze-Out
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. Prove It All Night
5. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Light Of Day
8. Working On The Highway
9. Tougher Than The Rest
10. This Hard Land
11. Youngstown
12. Murder Incorporated
13. The Promised Land
14. Livin' In The Future
15. I'm Goin' Down (Tour Premiere)
16. Mary's Place
17. The Rising
18. Last To Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Detroit Medley
23. Born To Run
24. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
25. Bobby Jean
26. American Land
27. Twist And Shout
I'm Goin' Down (Video)
Tougher Than The Rest (Video)
This Hard Land (Video)
Anmeldelse av konserten i Puls
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19. juli 2008.
Nou Camp Stadium, Barcelona - Spania
1. No Surrender
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out In The Street
4. The Promised Land
5. Hungry Heart
6. Summertime Blues
7. Brilliant Disguise
8. The River
9. Atlantic City
10. Candy´s Room
11. Janey Don't You Lose Heart
12. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
13. Backstreets
14. Because The Night
15. Livin' In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. Tunnel Of Love
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Jungleland
23. Born To Run
24. Bobby Jean
25. Glory Days
26. Dancing In The Dark
27. American Land
28. Twist And Shout
Video av Twist & Shout (Bruce m/familie)
Hele konserten i MP3 format
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17. juli 2008.
Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid - Spania
1. Night
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. The Promised Land
5. Spirit in the Night
6. Summertime Blues
7. Brilliant Disguise
8. The River
9. Cover Me
10. Trapped
11. No Surrender
12. Out In The Street
13. Because The Night
14. Cadillac Ranch
15. Living In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. Tunnel Of Love
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Jungleland
23. Seven Nights To Rock
24. Born To Run
25. Bobby Jean
26. Dancing In The Dark
27. American Land
28. Twist And Shout
Videoklipp fra spansk TV
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15. juli 2008.
San Sebastián, Anoeta - Spania
1. Tunnel Of Love
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. Out In The Street
5. The Promised Land
6. Hungry Heart
7. Summertime Blues
8. 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
9. Growin' Up
10. Atlantic City
11. Prove It All Night
12. Darlington County
13. Because The Night
14. She's The One
15. Livin' In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. Tougher Than The Rest
18. Incident On 57th Street
19. The Rising
20. Last To Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Badlands
23. Thunder Road
24. Born To Run
25. Bobby Jean
26. Dancing In The Dark
27. American Land
28. Twist & Shout
Pro-shot video (Tunnel, Radio og Out In The Street)
Pro-shot video av Radio Nowhere
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11. juli 2008.
Olympic Stadium, Helsingfors - Finland
1. Night
2. Out In The Street
3. Radio Nowhere
4. No Surrender
5. Hungry Heart
6. Spirit In The Night
7. Summertime Blues
8. Sherry Darling
9. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
10. I'll Work For Your Love
11. Candy's Room
12. Youngstown (Tour Premiere med Band)
13. Murder Incorporated
14. The Promised Land
15. She's The One
16. Livin' In The Future
17. Mary's Place
18. Point Blank
19. The Rising
20. Last To Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Born In The U.S.A.
23. Badlands
24. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. Born To Run
27. Rosalita
28. Dancing In The Dark
29. American Land
30. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
31. Twist And Shout
Video fra de tre første sangene i Helsinki
Hele konserten i MP3 format
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8. juli 2008.
Valle Hovin, Oslo - Norge
1. Night
2. Out in the Street
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Adam raised a Cain
5. Spirit in the Night
6. Growin' up
7. You can look (but you better not touch)
8. Promised Land
9. If I Should Fall Behind (Tour Premiere)
10. I'll work for your love
11. Roulette
12. Trapped
13. Murder Incorporated
14. Working on the Highway
15. Living in the future
16. Mary's Place
17. Waitin' on a sunny Day
18. From small things (big things one day come)
19. The Rising
20. Born in the USA
21. Last to die
22. Long walk home
23. Badlands
24. Girls in their summer clothes
25. Hungry Heart
26. Thunder Road
27. Born to run
28. Bobby Jean
29. American Land
30. Twist and Shout
Bilder fra konserten
Konserten i MP3-format med cover
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7. juli 2008.
Valle Hovin, Oslo - Norge
1. Two Hearts
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. Lonsome Day
5. Hungry Heart
6. Cover Me (Tour Premiere)
7. Caddilac Ranch
8. Gypsy Biker
9. The River
10. Atlantic City
11. Prove It All Night
12. Darlington County
13. Promised Land
14. Because the Night
15. She is the One
16. Living in the Future
17. Marys Place
18. Waiting on a Sunny Day
19. Racing in the Streets
20. The Rising
21. Last To Die
22. Long Walk Home
23. Badlands
24. 10th Avenue Freeze Out
25. Born to Run
26. Bobby Jean
27. Glory Days
28. 7 Nights to Rock
29. Dancing in the Dark
30. American Land
Konserten i MP3 format
Konserten i MP3 format m/cover og forbedet lyd
Stor jubel for The Boss - Aftenposten
Været satte ingen demper - Aftenposten
Springsteen varmet opp Oslo - Aftenposten
Høymesse for 40.000 - Dagbladet
Makeløs - VG
Sjefen varmet Oslo - TV2 nyheter
Springsteen på NRK1
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5. juli 2008.
Nya Ullevi, Gøtborg - Sverige
1. Night
2. No Surrender
3. Lonesome Day
4. Hungry Heart
5. Summertime Blues
6. Promised Land
7. Backstreets
8. Roulette
9. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
10. Janey Don't You Lose Heart
11. Waiting On A Sunny Day
12. Working On The Highway
13. Because The Night
14. She's The One
15. Livin' In The Future
16. Mary's Place
17. I'm On Fire
18. Drive All Night (Tour Premiere)
19. The Rising
20. Last To Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Badlands
23. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
24. Thunder Road
25. Born To Run
26. Bobby Jean
27. American Land
28. Twist & Shout
Hungry Heart (Video - Expressen)
No Surrender (Video - Expressen)
Lonesome Day (Video - Expressen)
Night (Video Expressen)
Drive All Night (Video)
BIlder fra konserten
Men herre satansjävlar - Aftonbladet
Världsklass - Expressen
Gonatt Göteborg - GP
Fotomontasje fra Gøteborg - GP
Alt om Springsteen i Gøteborg - Expressen
Hungry Heart (Video - Expressen)
No Surrender (Video - Expressen)
Lonesome Day (Video - Expressen)
Dette spilte Bruce i Sverige - VG
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4. juli 2008.
Nya Ullevi, Gøtborg - Sverige
1. Born in the USA (Tour Premiere)
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Out in the Street
4. Two hearts
5. Promised land
6. Spirit in the Night
7. Be True
8. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
9. Atlantic City
10. Prove it all night
11. Darlington County
12. Because the Night
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Livin' in the Future
15. Mary's Place
16. Independence Day
17. This Hard Land
18. The Rising
19. Last to Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Hungry Heart
23. Seven Nights to Rock
24. Born to run
25. Rosalita
26. Dancing in the Dark
27. American Land
Born In The USA (Video fra GP)
Radio Nowhere (Video fra GP)
Out In The Street (Video fra GP)
Sandy (Video fra GP)
Deler av konserten (Sirius Radio - MP3)
Bilder fra konserten
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29. juni 2008.
Parken, København - Danmark
1. Two hearts
2. Radio nowhere
3. Out in the street
4. The promised land
5. Spirit in the night
6. Blinded by the light
7. Something in the night
8. Trapped
9. Gypsy biker
10. working on the highway
11. Hungry heart
12. Because the night
13. She's the one
14. Living in the future
15. Mary's place
16. I'm on fire
17. Downbound train
18. For you (solo på piano)
19. The rising
20. Last to die
21. Long walk home
22. Badlands
23. Jungleland
24. 7 Nights to rock
25. Born to run
26. Ramrod
27. Bobby Jean
28. Dancing in the dark
29. American land
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27. juni 2008
Parc des Princes, Paris - Frankrike
1. Adam Raised A Cain
2. Radio Nowhere
3. No Surrender
4. The Promised Land
5. Spirit In The Night
6. Rendezvous
7. Candy's Room
8. Atlantic City
9. Janey Don't You Lose Heart
10. Darlington County
11. Because The Night
12. She's The One
13. Livin' In The Future
14. Mary's Place
15. Fire
16. For You (solo på piano)
17. The River
18. The Rising
19. Last To Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Out In The Street
23. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
24. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
25. Born To Run (med Eliott Murphy og hans sønn)
26. Bobby Jean
27. Dancing
28. American Land (med Eliott Murphy)
Videoer fra Paris
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25. juni 2008.
San Siro Stadium, Milano - Italia
1 Summertime Blues
2. Out in the Streets
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Prove it all Night
5. Promised Land
6. Spirit in The Night
7. None But The Brave
8. Candy's Room
9. Darkness on the Edge of Town
10. Hungry Heart
11. Darlington Country
12. Because the Night
13. She's the One
14. Livin' in the Future
15. Mary's Place
16. I'm on Fire
17. Racing in the Streets
18. The Risng
19. Last to Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
23. Detroit Medley
- Devil with a Blue Dress
- Good Golly Miss Molly
- C. C. Rider
- Jenny Take a Ride
24. Born To Run
25. Rosalita
26. Bobby Jean
27. Dancing in the Dark
28. American Land
29. Twist And Shout (Tour Premiere)
Top 15 bilder fra San Siro
Mange bilder fra San Siro
Hele konserten i MP3 format - Les omtale fra opptaket her
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23. juni 2008.
Sportpaleis, Antverpen- Belgia
1. So Young and In Love
2. Radio Nowhere
3. The Ties That Bind
4. Promised Land
5. Spirit in The night
6. Magic
7. Trapped
8. 4th of July Asbury Park ( Sandy )
9. Prove it All Night
10. Thundercrack
11. Because The Night
12. She's The One
13. Living in The Future
14. Mary's Place
15. Fire
16. Point Blank
17. The Rising
18. Last to Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. I'm a Rocker (Tour Premiere)
22. Born to Run
23. Thunderroad
24. Glory Days
25. American Land
Trapped (video)
Point Blank (video)
Sandy (video)
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21. juni 2008.
HSH Nordbank Arena, Hamburg - Tyskland
1. Out in the Street
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Prove it all Night
4. The Promised Land
5. Spirit in the Night
6. Something in the Night
7. Held Up Without A Gun (Tour Premiere)
8. Atlantic City
9. Gypsy Biker
10. Because the Night
11. She´s the One
12. Livin´in the Future
13. Mary´s Place
14. Sherry Darling
15. I´ll work for your Love
16. Hungry Heart (Tour Premiere)
17. Incident on 57th Street
18. The Rising
19. Last to Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Seven Nights to Rock
23. Rosalita
24. Born to Run
25. Dancing in the Dark
26. American Land
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18. juni 2008.
Amsterdam Arena, Amsterdam - Nederland
1. Out in the Streets
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. Promised Land
5. Spirit in the Night
6. The River
7. Gypsy Biker
8. Prove it all Night
9. Darkness on the Edge of Town
1. Darlington County
1. Because the Night
12. She's the One
13-.Living in the Future
14. Mary's Place
15. I'm on Fire
16. Backstreets
17. The Rising
18. Last to Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Girls in their Summerclothes
22. Summertime Blues (Tour Premiere)
23. Stand on it (Tour Premiere)
24. Seven nights to Rock (Tour Premiere)
25. Born to Run
26. Bobby Jean
27. Dancing in the Dark
28. American Land
Summertime Blues (video)
Bruce In Amsterdam (video)
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16. juni 2008.
LTU Arena, Düsseldorf - Tyskalnd
1. Jackson Cage
2. Night
3. Radio Nowhere
4. Lonesome Day
5. Promised Land
6. Spirit in the Night
7. Magic
8. Trapped
9. Prove it All Night
10. Darkness on the Edge of Town
11. Darlington Country
12. Because The Night
13. She 's The One
14. Living in The Future
15. Mary's Place
16. Working on the Highway
17. The River
18. Devil's Arcade
19. The Rising
20. Last to Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Badlands
23. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
24. 10th Avenue Freeze Out
25. Born To Run
26. Glory Days
27. Dancing in The Dark
28. American Land
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14. juni 2008.
Millennium Stadium, Cardif - Wales
1. From Small Things (Tourpremiere)
2. 10th Avenue Freeze-out
3. Radio Nowhere
4. No Surrender
5. Lonesome day
6. Promised Land
7. Blinded by the light
8. Magic
9. Atlantic city
10. The river
11. Gypsy Biker
12. Darlington County
13. Because the night
14. She´s the one
15. Livin in the future
16. Mary´s place
17. Working on the highway
18. Devils arcade
19. The rising
20. Last to die
21. Long walk home
22. Badlands
23. Jungleland
24. Thunder road
25. Born to run
26. Rosalita
27. American land
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31. mai 2008.
Emirates Stadium, London - England
1. Out on the Streets
2. No Surrender
3. Darkness On The Edge of Town
4. Gypsy Biker
5. Radio Nowhere
6. 4th of July Asbury Park (Sandy)
7. Growing up
8. Downbound Train (Tourpemiere)
9. I'm On Fire (Tourpremiere)
10. Because The Night
11. She's The One
12. Living in the Future
13. Mary's Place
14. Promised Land
15. Backstreets
16. The Rising
17. Last to Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Girls in their Summerclothes
21. Jungleland
22. Born to Run
23. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
24. American Land
Downbound Train (Video)
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30. mai 2008.
Emirates Stadium, London - England
1. Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
2. Radio Nowhere
3. The Ties That Bind
4. Lonesome Day
5. Promised Land
6. Magic
7. Atlantic City
8. Reason to Believe
9. Candy's Room
10. Prove It
11. Because the Night
12. Working on The Highway
13. Cadillac Ranch
14. Living In The Future
15. Mary's Place
16. Waiting on a Sunny Day
17. Point Blank
18. Devils's Arcade
19. The Rising
20. Last to Die
21. Long Walk Home
22. Badlands
23. Thunderroad
24. Born to Run
25. Glory Days
26. Rosalita
27. Dancing in the Dark
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28. mai 2008.
Old Trafford, Manchester - England
1. No Surrender
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Night
4. Lonesome Day
5. The Promised Land
6. Magic
7. Trapped
8. Adam Raised A Cain
9. Darlington County
10. It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
11. Because The Night
12. She's The One
13. Livin' In The Future
14. Mary's Place
15. I'll Work For Your love
16. Devil's Arcade
17. The Rising
18. Last To Die
19. Long Walk Home
20. Badlands
21. Growin' Up
22. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
23. Born To Run
24. Rosalita
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. American Land
Magic (video)
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out (video)
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25. mai 2008.
RDS showground, Dublin - Irland
1. No Surrender
2. Radio Nowhere
3. The Ties That Bind
4. Spirit In The Night
5. Gypsy Biker
6. Atlantic City
7. Reason To Believe
8. 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
9. Growin' Up
10. Because The Night
11. She's The One
12. Livin' In The Future
13. Mary's Place
14. The Promised Land
15. Racing In The Street
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. American Land
Ekstra, ekstranummer:
25. Ramrod
26. Glory Days
Sandy (video)
Radio Nowhere (video)
Spirit In The Night (video)
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23. mai 2008.
RDS showground, Dublin - Irland
1. Night
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. No Surrender
5. The Promised Land
6. Magic
7. Trapped
8. Murder Incorporeted
9. Darlington County
10. Prove It All Night
11. She's The One
12. Livin' In The Future
13. Mary's Place
14. Girls In Their Summer Clothes
15. Devil's Arcade
16. The Rising
17. Last To Die
18. Long Walk Home
19. Badlands
20. Jungleland
21. Born To Run
22. Glory Days
23. Dancin' In The Dark
24. American Land
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22. mai 2008.
RDS showground, Dublin - Irland
1. The Promised Land
2. Radio Nowhere
3. Lonesome Day
4. Out in the Street
5. Gypsy Biker
6. Magic
7. Reason To Believe
8. Candy's Room
9. Prove It
10. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
11. Because The Night
12. She is the One
13. Livin in the Future
14. Mary's Place
15. Waitin´On A Sunny Day
16. The River
17. Devil's Arcade
18. The Rising
19. Last to Die
20. Long Walk Home
21. Badlands
22. Thunder Road
23. Born to Run
24. Bobby Jean
25.10th Avenue Freeze Out (med Southside Johnny)
26. American Land
Omtale fra the Telegraph
Prove It All Night (Video)
Badlands (video)
Born To Run (video)
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"Magic Tour 2008" turneplan:
22: Dublin, RDS showground - Irland
23: Dublin, RDS showground - Irland
25: Dublin, RDS showground - Irland
28: Manchester, Old Trafford Stadium - England
30: London, Emirates Stadium - England
31: London, Emirates Stadium - England
14: Cardiff, Cardiff Millennium Stadium - Wales
16: Düsseldorf, LTU Arena - Tyskalnd
18: Amsterdam, Amsterdam Arena - Nederland
21: Hamburg, HSH Nordbank Arena - Tyskland
23: Antverpen, Sportpaleis - Belgia
25: Milano, San Siro Stadium - Italia
27: Paris, Parc des Princes - Frankrike
29: København, Parken - Danmark
4: Gøteborg, Nya Ullevi - Sverige
5: Gøteborg, Nya Ullevi - Sverige
7: Oslo, Valle Hovin - Norge
8: Oslo, Valle Hovin - Norge
11: Helsingfors, Olympic Stadium - Finland
15: San Sebastián, Anoeta - Spania
17: Madrid, Santiago Bernabeu - Spania
19: Barcelona, Nou Camp Stadium - Spania
20: Barcelona, Nou Camp Stadium - Spania
27: East Rutherford, NJ - Giants Stadium
28: East Rutherford, NJ - Giants Stadium
31: East Rutherford, NJ - Giants Stadium
2: Foxborough, MA - Gillette Stadium
15: Jacksonville, FL - Veterans Memorial Arena
16: Charleston, SC - North Charleston Coliseum
18: Richmond, VA - Richmond Coliseum
19: Hershey, PA - Hersheypark Stadium
21 Sommet Center Nashville, TN June 28,
23: St. Louis, MO - Scottrade Center
24: Kansas City, MO - Sprint Center
30: Milwaukee, WI - The Roadhouse at the Lakefront - Harley Davidson 105th Anniversary