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Magic - Utgivelsesdato 1. oktober 2007
Bruce Springsteen er tilbake med en ny plate sammen med The E streets Band.
Platen heter Magic og inneholder 11 sanger:
------------ Magic ------------
1. Radio Nowhere
2. You'll Be Comin' Down
3. Livin' in the Future
4. Your Own Worst Enemy
5. Gypsy Biker
6. Girls in Their Summer Clothes
7. I'll Work for Your Love
8. Magic
9. Last to Die
10. Long Walk Home
11. Devil's Arcade
------------ Magic ------------
Tom Cunningham har hørt Magic.
I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about "Magic" while they are still top of mind.
When the "hey come over and listen to the new album" phone call comes, you go. That call came today. I'm glad I went.
I took some spotty notes, and when you can't read your own handwriting--it's sad.
So, Magic.
Seated between a pair of outstanding speakers and handed a book with the lyrics, the Magic began.
Quick observations: this album rocks...these songs will KILL in a live concert setting...lots, LOTS of rocking guitars...I still don't know why it's called Magic...nary a ballad...Clarence Clemons rocks...I can't wait to find out how the actual recording of this album played out...any crap that Brendan O'Brien took for The Rising (undeserved in my book) will be long forgotten...these songs will sound great on the radio...Bruce Springsteen "songwriter" is a national treasure.
The production is big, without getting in the way. While The Rising demanded a certain atmosphere and Devils & Dust surely came from its own place, this album is an exclamation point in the Springsteen/O'Brien studio pairing. This is a confident sounding record, made by artists who trust each other and their art.
Radio Nowhere
Coming soon to a radio near you. Great lead off song. This could easily be the guy in "Open All Night" 25 years burning down the road. This song rocks, but the whole time, the guy in the song asks "is anybody alive out there?" like his life depends on it. Classic E Street with a monster solo from C.
And as the guy drives along he sings...
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel your rhythm
Awesome and terrifying at the same time.
You'll Be Comin' Down
Another song where C shines...spotlight on the Big Man. This is one about someone getting their comeuppance--a whole "what goes around comes around" thing. Karma!
Livin' In The Future
The most "pop" song on the album. Classic E Street--Big C again and a song that would fit anywhere from Born To Run to Born In The U.S.A.
Your Own Worst Enemy
I liked this one a lot. Reminded me of the vibe of both Darkness and The River, also not unlike None But The Brave. Great harmony vocals.
Gypsy Biker
A song about a gypsy biker who is coming home. Starts with a beautiful harmonica and acoustic and ends up a flat out rocker. Very powerful lyrics. Loved it and can't wait to hear it live.
Girls In Their Summer Clothes
Hmmmm...girls in their summer clothes don't like the hero in this song. My notes for this one said "lyrics very specific, very precise." While this was not one of my favorites, the lyrics are so well written that you feel like you're on the street as "the girls in their summer clothes pass me by."
I'll Work For Your Love
CatholicSchool...CatholicSchool...CatholicSchool. Bruce has used a lot of Catholic imagery as of late, and this song certainly has that. Beautiful piano intro, and another one that I really liked.
Interesting that this is the title cut. This one could have easily been on Devils & Dust. The word "magic" does not appear in the song. I need to hear it again, I guess. : )
Last To Die
Great songwriting here. Driving drums.
Long Walk Home
Probably the best song on the album. We know how great the lyrics are, this is played with passion and tempo by Bruce and the band. Wow. Max and Garry flat out kill this song, and there is an amazing guitar solo. This song will destroy concert halls all over the world. Amazing.
Devil's Arcade
The lyrics that are posted on the web are wrong. You'll be happy, because this song is great--again with lyrics that are simply amazing. Big guitars, big strings--I really liked this one a lot.
It's easy to toss around superlatives when discussing Bruce's work (and yeah, I'm biased), but this is a great, great album. I keep coming back to the preciseness and the specific ness of the lyrics. These are streets that do have names. And the people who walk--drive--run those streets have purpose. And when the band plays...
Tom Cunningham