21. januar 2021. Inaugural Celebration "Celebrating America" (20/1-21)
I går kveld, natt norsk tid, hadde Bruce Springsteen æren av å åpne innvielses-festen "Celebrating America" til ære for USA’s nye president Joe Biden. Her fremførte han en nydelig akustisk versjon av "Land Of Hope And Dreams".
Bruce Springsteen på trappene til Lincoln Memorial
Tidligere i uken ble det annonsert at artistene som skulle opptre, under feiringen av Joe Biden, skulle gjøre dette på forskjellige ikoniske steder rundt om i USA. Det var derfor gledelig å se Bruce Springsteen tilbake på trappene til Lincoln Memorial, som han også gjorde i 2009 ved innsettingen av Barack Obama.
Land Of Hope And Dreams (20/1-21)
Tom Hanks var vert for arrangementet, hvor også U.S. Army Herald Trumpets, John Legend og Katy Perry opptrådte på Lincoln Memorial.
Inaugural Celebration (20/1-21) - hele showet
Andre artister som opptrådte via video-overføring fra forskjellige steder i landet var Bon Jovi, Yo-Yo Ma, Ant Clemons & Justin Timberlake, Black Pumas, Foo Fighters, en rekke Broadway stjerner, DJ Cassidy med Ozuna og Luis Fonsi, Tyler Hubbard og Tim McGraw og Demi Lovato.
20. januar 2021. From My Home to Yours #17
Dagens utgave av radioserien "From My Home to Yours" var den 17. i rekken og har fått navnet "Lawyers, Guns and Money: An Inaugural Special".
Ikke overraskende var temaet rundt denne sendingen innsettelsen av Joe Biden, som er den 46. presidenten i USA.
Bruce benyttet anledningen til å si hva han mener om Trump og kommenterte også hendelsen ved angrepet på den amerikanske kongressen den 6. januar i år.
Nattens sending var den syttende i rekken
Bruce om Trump: "A delusional, broken carny barker of a president, who knows allegiance only … to himself".
Musikken som ble spilt under programmet varierte fra Leonard Cohen til Jay-Z. Det ble også spilt tre låter fra egen katalog. Disse var "Land of Hope and Dreams", "Reason to Believe" og "House of a Thousand Guitars".
Programmet varte i litt over en time og fem minutter og det ble spilt 12 sanger i løpet av programmet.
Låtene som ble spilt under programmet:
Lawyers, guns and money - warren zevon
First we take manhattan - leonard Cohen
Land of hope and dreams – Bruce Springsteen
Heart of the city (ain't no love) - Jay-z
Thursday in the danger room - Run the jewels med Kamasi Washington)
You couldn't get arrested - Green on red
It's all over now, baby blue - Link wray
All along the watchtower - Neil Young
The future - Leonard Cohen
I was in the house when the house burned down - Warren Zevon
Reason to believe – Bruce Springsteen
House of a thousand guitars - Bruce Springsteen
Du kan lese hva Springsteen sa her:
"Welcome, E Street Nation. Fans, friends and listeners from coast to coast, and around the world. Welcome to our first show of 2021, and our first broadcast after the January 6 attempted insurrection at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. This is Vol. 17, titled 'Lawyers, Guns and Money: An Inaugural Special.' So let's get started".
"That was 'First We Take Manhattan', by Leonard Cohen. And we started, of course, with 'Lawyers, Guns and Money', that masterpiece of paranoia, perfect for this moment, by my departed friend and outlaw songwriter, Warren Zevon".
"Now, I don't know about you, but sitting in front of my TV on the afternoon of January 6, my responses went from 'What?', to 'Huh?', to 'Whoa!', to surprise, to shock, to becoming infuriated, to depression, to deepening anger as the days passed by and what had actually happened, most of which we barely knew yet, began to seep in".
"Now, I'm curious: What kind of narcissist are you that thinks you have the right to trash our People's House, stop the wheels of our democracy, while we are in the process of performing one of our most sacred duties, the peaceful transfer of power, in the most powerful nation on Earth, and to act based on a cheap, easily disproven lie of a stolen election, a lie that has been reviewed, disproven, debunked and rejected by every court in the land, including our own Trump-filled Supreme Court. I mean, who do you think you are to desecrate the halls of our democracy purely on the word of a delusional, broken, carny barker of a president, who knows allegiance only … to himself. He is a dime store seditionist and a low-rent traitor to the Constitution, and to the United States of America".
"I ask my good American brothers and sisters to value yourselves and your allegiances more deeply. Donald J. Trump does not deserve your good soul and your honest and heartfelt commitment. Your country, your real country, awaits and needs you. So I say this with pain and love in my heart: Don't waste your compassion on those who do not deserve it. You are better and worth much more than that. In this world, God's world, no infallible truth resides in just one man. There is only one truth, God's truth, and it is a truth of deep inquiry, humility in the face of facts, and it is grounded in the faith and love and respect you carry for your neighbors and your country. Let us all pray to God we have the strength to see clearly with our mind, heart and eyes, and that we may hold our faith high, humbly, and in service of our country and the truth. This is 'Land Of Hope And Dreams'".
"That was 'Land Of Hope And Dreams' by yours truly".
"There's a valuable piece by 'Times' opinion writer David Brooks that inspired some of my last spoken piece, and I want to bring to your attention. It's called 'Trump's War Within the Church.' It's really good reading. And I'd advise you to check it out. This is Jay-Z and 'Heart Of The City'".
"That was 'Thursday In The Danger Room', by Run the Jewels, and before that 'Heart Of The City' by Jay-Z, rapping over Bobby 'Blue' Bland's classic blues, 'Ain't No Love in the Heart Of The City'. Well, we're gonna send this next one down to Mar-a-Lago. This is Green On Red with 'You Could Not Get Arrested If You Tried'".
"That was the visionary guitarist Link Wray, the man who also gave us 'Rumble', and invented the power chord. Ask Pete Townshend. And that was his majestic, deadly version of 'It's All Over Now, Baby Blue', by Bob Dylan. Link was an American Shawnee rock 'n' roll guitarist and vocalist who first came to popularity in the '50s, but I met him in the '70s, I think, when he was playing along with Robert Gordon. A great guy. Just a beautiful guy. And a deep, deep rock 'n' roll heart. We love and miss you, Link".
"Coming up… this is Neil Young with 'All Along The Watchtower'".
"That was 'The Future', by Leonard Cohen, off his great album The Future, recorded in, I think in 1992. Recorded as the Berlin Wall was falling, and the Los Angeles riots of the early '90s were occurring. They were all influences working at that time. Coming up, once more, my good friend Warren Zevon, with 'I Was In The House When The House Burned Down'".
"That was 'Reason To Believe' by yours truly".
House Of A Thousand Guitars
"We are creatures whose veins pulse with hope, and faith, and love. I've made most of my life's work the pursuit of that hope, faith and love, and its evidence and power here in this world. We need shared beliefs and common values, to give us the ties that will bind us into a country and a people that will define our character and deepen our national soul. These days, I know those things are hard to come by. But they're there, and today is a day to celebrate them. So I'd like to send a small prayer out to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, to you and our country".
"That's our show for today, folks. Go in peace".
16. januar 2021. Bruce Springsteen skal opptre under innvielsen av Joe Biden
Den 20. januar vil Bruce Springsteen delta under innvielsen av Joe Biden og Kamala Harris. Andre artiser som vil delta under seansen er blant andre Justin Timberlake, Jon Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters og John Legend.
Seremonien finner sted den 20. januar
Bruce Springsteen deltok også under innvielsen av Barack Obama den 18. januar 2009, hvor han fremførte "The Rising" foran 500.000 tilskuere. Nå blir det dessverre ikke samme folkesamlingen på grunn av den pågående pandemien.
Springsteen og de andre artistene vil opptre fra forskjellige ikoniske steder rundt om i landet.
Bruce Springsteen under innvielsen av Obama i 2009
8. januar 2021. Live Vaults, The Live Archives (nr. 63)
Årets første "Live Vault" utgivelse er den 7. utgivelsen fra "Wrecking Ball" turneen og den 63. i rekken. Dagens utgivelse er hentet fra konserten i Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul den 12. november 2012. Også kvelden før spilte Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band i den samme arenaen.
63. utgaven er hentet fra St. Paul i 2012
Les mer om utgivelsen på brucespringsteen.net
Utgivelsen inneholder 27 låter og varer litt i overkant av tre timer. For aller første gang på turneen, ble "Stolen Car" fremført. Dette var den sjette gangen denne låten ble fremført under en konsert siden 80 tallet.
Konsertdatoen falt på samme dag som veterandagen og i den forbindelsen ble også "Devils & Dust" fremført og var konsertens andre turnepremiere. Denne ble for aller første gang fremført med fullt band.
Låtene som er å finne på utgivelsen:
1. I'm A Rocker
2. Hungry Heart
3. No Surrender
4. Night
5. Loose Ends
6. Something In The Night
7. Stolen Car (turne premiere)
8. We Take Care Of Our Own
9. Wrecking Ball
10. Death To My Hometown
11. My City Of Ruins
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Pay Me My Money Down
14. Devils & Dust (turne premiere)
15. Youngstown
16. Murder Incorporated
17. She's The One
18. Shackled And Drawn
19. Waitin' On A Sunny Day
20. The Rising
21. Badlands
22. Land Of Hope And Dreams
23. Jungleland
24. Born To Run
25. Dancin' in the Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
27. American Land
Bruce Springsteen i Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul
Oversikt over offisielle live utgivelser fra arkivet (8/1-2021)
Dette er hva jeg skrev om konserten på Badlandso, dagen etter konserten:
St. Paul, MN - Xcel Energy Center (12/11-12)
Den andre konserten i St. Paul inneholdt 27 låter og varte i tre timer og ett minutt. Det ble spilt to premierelåter i går kveld.
Kveld nummer 2 i St. Paul (12/11-12)
For aller første gang i historien åpnet en Bruce Springsteen konsert med "The River" låten "I'm A Rocker". Deretter fulgte "Hungry Heart" og "No Surrender" før "Night","Loose Ends" og "Something In The Night" fortsatte ballet.
Etter denne knall-sterke åpningen kom kveldens første premierelåt som var Stolen Car. Dette er den andre gangen på 27 år at denne låten blir spilt med et fullt E Street Band. Forrige gang var under "The River" konserten i MSG, november 2009.
Xcel Energy Center (12/11-12)
Etter kveldens første premierelåt kom de tre vanlige låtene fra "Wrecking Ball" Albumet: "We Take Care Of Our Own", "Wrecking Ball" og "Death To My Hometown".
Kveldens andre premierelåt kom fire sanger senere og var "Devils & Dust", som Bruce introduserte med disse ordene: "This is for all our vets out there. This is for Veteran's Day".
"Devils & Dust", Xcel Energy Center (12/11-12)
Kveldens fremførelse av "Devils & Dust" var den aller første gangen med et fullt E street Band.
Sjekk gitarsoloen til Bruce på slutten av låten. Fantastisk...
Hovedsettet ble avsluttet med "Badlands" og "Land Of Hope And Dreams".
Ekstranumrene inneholdt fem låter og åpnet med "Jungleland" og avsluttet med "Tenth Avenue Freeze-out" og "American Land".