2021 - Juni
1. juli. 2021.
From My Home to Yours #24 (30/6-21)
Bruce Springsteens 24. utgave av "From My Home To Yours", som sendes på SiriusXM satelitt radio, hadde fått tittelen "Night Time Is The Right Time".

Sendingen inneholdt låter med blant andre James Brown, Van Morrison, The Bess Gees, John Mellencamp, Bob Seger og seg selv.
Bruce lot for det meste låtene stå for det meste av kommunikasjoen. Det eneste han fortalte var om hvordan låten "Because The Night" ble til sammen med Patti Smith.
Mye tyder også på at nettopp disse to skal opptre sammen under konserten i Hyde Park, i New York, lørdag den 21. august. Denne konserten, som også vil ha andre artister som Paul Simon og Jennifer Hudson på scenen, er en del av New Yorks feiring av sommeren og gjenåpningen av byen.

Night – Bruce Springteen
(Night Time) Is The Right Time - Ray Charles
Night In My Veins - The Pretenders
Night Train To Memphis - Roy Acuff
Night Train - James Brown
Night Fever - Bee Gees
Ain't Even Done With The Night - John Mellencamp
Walkin' After Midnight - Patsy Cline
Night Of The Drunken Cheerleaders - The Penetrators
Here Comes The Night - Van Morrison & Them
Wild Night - Van Morrison
Night Moves - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
Because The Night - Patti Smith
A Hard Day's Night - Live At The Lighthouse - Ramsey Lewis Trio

Programmet varte i ca. 52 minutter,

"Night Time Is The Right Time", var den 24. utgaven

Dette er hva Springsteen sa under sendingen:
Hello, family, friends, E Street Nation, night creepers, day sleepers, fans from coast to coast and around the world, welcome to Volume 24 of "From My Home to Yours", titled "The Night Time Is the Right Time".

We started off with yours truly and the E Street Band on the "Night", and then the genius of Ray Charles on "(The Night Time Is) The Right Time". Here's Chrissie Hynde with The Pretenders, "(I've Got the) Night in My Veins".

That was "Night Train to Memphis", by Roy Acuff. Roy Acuff was born in 1903, in Maynardville, Tennessee. He was known as the King of Country Music and he was the Grand Ole Opry's key figure for 40 years. He was the first living inductee into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Let's get on the "Night Train".

That was the hard funk of James Brown, the man who is, without a doubt, one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Whatever you're hearing with a funky groove on it today, or if you're listening to any R&B, hip-hop, rap, the roots of the Godfather of Soul, Soul Brother No. 1 James Brown are buried in there somewhere. Now here's the smooth pop/R&B of The Bee Gees.

That was "Ain't Even Done With the Night", by John Mellencamp. And here's Patsy Cline, with "Walkin' After Midnight".

Patsy Cline, one of the first country artists to cross over into pop, and one of the most influential voices of popular music. "Walkin' After Midnight” was her first smash on both the country and pop charts. She tragically died in a plane crash outside of Camden, Tennessee. She was the first female to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. We love you, Patsy.

That was Van "The Man” Morrison and Them, his great, great garage band of the '60s, and I believe that track was written by Bert Berns. And before that was "Night of the Drunken Cheerleaders", by The Penetrators.

That was Bob Seger and the beautiful "Night Moves". Man, I love that voice. And before that, of course, "Wild Night". James "Jimmy” Iovine, engineer, record producer, music mogul and entrepreneur par excellence, took me for a ride in nineteen-seventy-something in his orange Mercedes Benz. Now this is the first Benz anyone had ever seen, much less an orange one. And he drove me out towards Coney Island, somewhere, and he asked if he could send the E Street Band's recording of the unfinished "Because the Night” to Patti Smith, who he was producing at the time. Now Jimmy had, has always had, and still has some very sly ears. Now me, I had a nice hook and a melody on a song that I could not finish the lyrics for. So Patti took it and turned it into the hit it became, writing a beautiful love song for her husband, Fred "Sonic” Smith. Now it wouldn't have been a hit if I had finished it and released it. It needed a woman's voice, it needed Patti's voice and her vision. She turned it into something that I alone could never have created. And for that, I forever thank my lovely, lovely friend.

And that's our show. Thank you for spending this time with me, and until we meet again, go in peace.

27. juni 2021.
"Springsteen on Broadway" (26/6-21)
I går kveld, New York tid, åpent Bruce Springsteen sin nye runde med "Springsteen on Broadway". Showet vil vare frem til 4. september og inneholde 30 forestillinger. Denne gangen blir showene holdt i St. James Theatre, som er ca. dobbelt så stort som Walter Kerr Theater, hvor de forrige forestillingene ble spilt.

Bruce tilbake på Broadway (26/6-21)

Åpningsshowet var ikke kun den første av "Springsteen on Broadway", men faktisk det første showet på Broadway siden pandemien startet i fjor.

Nattens forestilling skilte seg fra de forrige rundene på flere måter. For det første ble tre nye låter spilt under showet og for det andre var det også forandringer i monologene, som var mer emosjonell og mer dynamisk tilnærming til materialet. Det varierte fra humoristiske historier til mer dypere fortellinger hvor han ofte måtte tørke tårer fra sine øyne.

Godt å se Bruce på scenen igjen

Under forrige runde holdt han seg stort sett rundt temaene som han hadde skrevet om i sin biografi "Born To Run". I denne runden er også tiden rundt pandemien satt i fokus. Her fortalte han om hva som hadde holdt han i aktivitet under nedstengningen og ikke minst hvor fantastisk det var å se publikum i salen igjen, uten masker. Han kom også innom temaet da han ble stoppet av politiet og mistenkt for promillekjøring på motorsykkel.

De tre "nye" sangene var "Fire", "American Skin" og "I’ll See You In My Dreams".
"Fire" ble fremført sammen med Patti Scialfa, som sang flere av strofene alene. Denne erstattet "Brilliant Disguise", som var et fast innslag under de forrige rundene.
"American Skin" hadde en kobling til George Floyd og Black Lives Matter og var mer konkret til temaet enn "The Ghost Of Tom Joad", som den erstattet.
Den siste nye låten, som også avsluttet forestillingen, var "I’ll See You In My Dreams". Sangen fungerte som en håpefull og oppløftende avslutning til en kveld fylt med historier om avdøde familiemedlemmer og venner.
Bruce og Patti

Her er låtene som ble fremført under premierekvelden.
01. Growin’ Up
02. My Hometown
03. My Father’s House
04. The Wish
05. Thunder Road
06. The Promised Land
07. Born in the USA
08. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
09. Tougher Than the Rest (med Patti Scialfa)
10. Fire (med Patti Scialfa)
11. American Skin (41 Shots)
12. The Rising
13. Dancing in the Dark
14. Land of Hope and Dreams
15. I’ll See You in My Dreams

Som før vil jeg kun legge ut låtoversikt når det er forandringer i spillelisten.
Denne vil dere se her, sammen med oversikt over hvilke låter som har blitt spilt så langt under "Springsteen on Broadway".

Status etter 26/6-21 (22 låter):

18. juni 2021.
Live Vaults, The Live Archives (nr. 68)
Månedens utgivelse, som er den 68. i rekken, er to uker forsinket, men den som venter på noe godt...
Det er en riktig flott perle vi får servert denne fredagen, som også er markeringen av «The Big Man» Clarence Clemons 10 års dag for sin altfor tidlige bortgang.
Konsertopptaket er Hentet fra «Darkness On The Edge Of Town» turneen og stammer fra
Berkeley Community Theatre, den 1. juli i 1978.

Den 68. utgivelsen er hentet fra Berkeley 1978

Da Springsteen & The E Street Band ankom California, sommeren 1978, var den syv måneder lange Darkness-turneen bare en måned gammel. På denne tiden hadde ryktet om Springsteens legendariske konserter begynt å nå vestkysten av USA. Fortsatt spilte Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band på små arenaer, men det skulle ikke ta lang tid før etterspørselen på billetter skulle fremtvinge større areaer med flere publikummere.
Det ble holdt to konserter på Berkeley Community, hvorav dagens utgivelse var den andre, og sju konserter totalt i California denne sommeren. Konsertene var utsolgte, og det var i underkant av 3500 tilskuere i Berkeley Community Theatre.

"Because The Night" - Berkeley 1/7-78

Dette er den niende utgivelsen i Live Vault serien som er hentet fra Darkness turneen og den aller tidligste av disse ni. Konserten inneholdt hele fire outtakes fra "Darkness" innspillingen. Disse var "Paradise By The C", "Fire", The Promise" og "Because The Night". "The Promise" ble spilt solo med Bruce på piano, mens "Because The Night" inneholder alternativ tekst.

The Promise - Berkeley 1/7-78

Låtene fra konserten:

Konsertplakat fra Berkeley, sommeren 1978

Blant publikum var Bruce’s mor, far og hans yngre søster Pam. Før låten «Racing In The Street”, holdt Bruce en liten artig anekdote om søsteren Pam, som i følge moren hadde skulket en del fra skolen i det siste.
‘My mother and my father, they’re here tonight so….they’re impressed to be here tonight, you know (chuckles)….and my sister’s here and like, it’s funny ‘cause my mother calls me up, she calls me up in New Jersey, they live in San Mateo and….she calls me up ‘cause my sister, she’s 16, you know, she’s starting to get out a little bit….my mother calls me up and she says ‘Bruce, Pam, she´s skipping school and she’s running out, she don’t go to the gym, she’s gonna fail the gym, you gotta, you gotta talk to her, you gotta, you know, you gotta explain to her’….but I told my mother I’d do something so, Pam, there’s, uh, there´s 3,000 people here tonight and when the lights come up, they’re all gonna see you and….next time you’re skipping school, chances are somebody’s gonna catch you….they’re probably been skipping school too, girl, so don’t worry about it….here’s for her, this is, this for my sister, she’s racing in the street….”


10 år siden "The Big Mans" bortgang

I dag er det 10 år siden Clarence Clemons døde.
Clarence ble 69 år gammel.

Det finnes mange store legender i rockehistorien, men Clarence "The Big Man" vil alltid bli stående som en av de aller største. Ved siden av Bruce Springsteen har alltid Clarence vært den store pilaren i "The E Street Band". Hans kraftige saxofon lyd har skapt begeistring hos musikkelskere i nesten fire tiår.

A Tribute To The Big Man

Video: Rune

Dette er hva Bruce Springsteen delte med fansen, den dagen Clarence døde i 2011.
"It is with overwhelming sadness that we inform our friends and fans that at 7:00 tonight, Saturday, June 18, our beloved friend and bandmate, Clarence Clemons passed away. The cause was complications from his stroke of last Sunday, June 12th.

The biggest man you've ever seen!

Clarence lived a wonderful life. He carried within him a love of people that made them love him. He created a wondrous and extended family. He loved the saxophone, loved our fans and gave everything he had every night he stepped on stage. His loss is immeasurable and we are honored and thankful to have known him and had the opportunity to stand beside him for nearly forty years. He was my great friend, my partner, and with Clarence at my side, my band and I were able to tell a story far deeper than those simply contained in our music. His life, his memory, and his love will live on in that story and in our band".

16. juni 2021.
Brando Flowers og Bruce på NBC's Today
NBC Today, med Hoda Kotb, sendte i dag et eksklusivt intervju med Bruce Springsteen og Brandon Flowers. I Intervjuet, som kan se ut til å være et opptak og ikke fra i dag, snakket de om deres nye samarbeid - en nyinnspilling av en av The Killers ’største hits, pluss deres gjensidige beundring for hverandre.

Se intervjuet i videoen under.

NBC Today 16/6-21

The Killers & Bruce Springsteen: "Dustland"
I dag ble singlen «Dustland» sluppet. Dette er et samarbeid mellom bandet The Killers og Bruce Springsteen. Låten er en nyinnspilling av sangen «A Dustland Fairytale» som the Killers ga ut på albumet «Day & Age» fra 2008.

"Dustland" er tilgjengelig i dag

Bruce og vokalisten Brandon Flowers bytter på å synge, før de to synger sammen på slutten av låten.

I følge Brandon Flowers, var det Bruce som kontaktet han via tekstmelding for å se på muligheten for å spille inn låten sammen. Brandon trodde først dette var en spøk og kontaktet Bruce’s sønn Evan, som han er venn med, for å verifisere at meldingen på ekte var fra Springsteen selv.

"Dustland" - The Killers & Bruce Springsteen

Her er historien bak samarbeidet på «Dustland».
“Watching Glastonbury,” the text from Springsteen reportedly read. “You guys have become one hellacious live band, my brother. Love the gold suit. We gotta do Dustland one day. – Bruce.”

Upon receiving the text, Flowers was suspicious that a prank was being played on him. “I google the area code,” he explains. “It’s from Freehold, New Jersey, and I’m still not convinced. I text Evan (Bruce and Patti’s son who has become a buddy of mine) and get verification that the number really is coming from his old man.”

Although COVID ultimately put plans for the two to work together on ice, it was later made possible towards the end of 2020. Both The Killers and Springsteen released new albums in the interim – ‘Imploding the Mirage’ and ‘Letter to You’, respectively.
Flowers went on to reflect on the initial writing of ‘A Dustland Fairytale’, which was an ode to his parents Jeannie and Terry Flowers.
“‘Dustland’ was written in the middle of [Jeannie’s] battle with cancer,” he said.
“It was an attempt to better understand my dad, who is sometimes a mystery to me. To grieve for my mother. To acknowledge their sacrifices, and maybe even catch a glimpse of just how strong love needs to be to make it in this world. It was my therapy. It was cathartic.”

Flowers praised Springsteen for writing “a lot about people like my parents,” as well as finding “a whole lot of beauty in otherwise invisible people’s hopes and dreams.”
“I’m grateful to him for opening this door for me,” said Flowers of Springsteen. “I’m grateful to my parents for their example to me.”

12. juni 2021.
From My Home to Yours #23
Denne uken kom den 23. utgaven av "From My Home To Yours", som har fått navnet "Old Bones". Programmet er viet sanger som handler om å eldes.

"Old bones, hell yes! I got ’em!", erklærte Bruce under åpningsmonologen av den 23 utgaven av podcasten.

Programmet inneholder sanger av blant andre Bob Dylan, John Mellencamp, Jerry Lee Lewis, samt Springsteen selv med «Kingdom of Days».

Programmet varer i rundt 52 minutter,

"Old Bones", var den 23. utgaven

Old Bones (Guided By Voices)
As Good As I Once Was (Toby Keith)
Old Bones (Murray Ross)
Don't be ashamed of your age (jerry lee lewis feat. George jones)
Class Of '55 (Carl Perkins)
Till I'm Too Old To Die Young (Moe Bandy)
Restless Farewell (Bob Dylan)
Don't Need This Body (John Mellencamp)
Veronica (Elvis Costello)
I'm An Old, Old Man (Tryin' To Live While I Can) (Lefty Frizzell)
I Still Look Good (For Sixty) (Joe Grushecky)
Too Old (Would-Be-Goods)
Forever Young (Kitty Wells)
Kingdom Of Days (Bruce Springsteen)
Young At Heart (Bob Dylan)

Her er hva Bruce sa under sendingen.
Welcome fans, friends, listeners, lovers, senior citizens from coast to coast and around the world. Welcome to Vol. 23 of "From My Home to Yours", titled "Old Bones". Old bones, hell yes! I got 'em! And they speak to me every day. They snap, pop or crack inside my knees. My knees have a language all of their own, and I listen to them. Here is Guided by Voices, with "Old Bones".

And that was Toby Keith with "As Good As I Once Was". Quote: "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was". God damn straight! And, uh, before that, that was Guided by Voices, formed in Dayton, Ohio, in 1983. They have released 30 full-length albums and they thrive on a very, very dedicated cult following. This is Murray Ross, with "Old Bones".

That was Jerry Lee Lewis with George Jones, singing "Don't Be Ashamed of Your Age". Let me know about that. Hell, I'm 71. Anybody wants to do something about that, you know where to find me! Don't be ashamed of your age". All right. Here's Carl Perkins with a song that I … I just love this song. It is called "The Class of '55".

That was Bob Dylan and one of his greatest songs about time moving on: "Restless Farewell", borrowing the melody of the Irish traditional, "The Parting Glass". And this is Moe Bandy, with "Till I'm Too Old to Die Young".

That was Marion Bandy, born in Meridian, Mississippi, in 1944, nicknamed Moe by his Pop. This is my good friend, John Mellencamp … I played on a few of Johnny's tracks on his upcoming record. We had a great time out there in Bloomington, Indiana. I'm sending all my love to Johnny Mellencamp and Ms. M. This is called "Don't Need This Body".

That was John Mellencamp, the Bloomington Flash, with "Don't Need This Body". Before that, Moe Bandy. And this is "Veronica", Elvis Costello's beautiful song about Alzheimer's, written with Paul McCartney. It was inspired by Elvis' own grandmother, who experienced severe memory loss.

Thank you, Elvis. Coming up, Lefty Frizzell, with one of my favorite Lefty Frizzell tunes, "I'm an Old, Old Man (But I Don't Want to Go Home)". Come on, Lefty!

That was Joe Grushecky with "I Still Look Good" — damn good! — "for Sixty". And before that, Lefty Frizzell. Damn straight! All right. What do we got here? This is the Would-Be-Goods. They are a British indie-pop band fronted by singer Jessica Griffin, and this is a very cool little song called "Too Old".

That was The Would-Be-Goods. Coming up, Kitty Wells.

That was yours truly, with "Kingdom of Days", and before that, Kitty Wells with her lovely interpretation of "Forever Young". And that's our show. Until we meet again, stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive, and may you stay forever young. Go in peace.

10. juni 2021.
Broadway billetter
I dag klokken 1800, legges billettene til de 30 forestillingene på
St. James Theatre ut for salg.
Nå er det veldig usikkert med tanke på reisevirksomhet mellom USA og Europa, på grunn av koronarestriksjoner, men mye kan heldigvis endre seg i løpet av sommeren. Forhåpentligvis kan det åpnes for en mulighet til å ta turen over kjølen for å se Bruce opptre på Broadway før avslutningsforestillingen den 4. september.

St. James Theatre har eksistert siden 1927

For de av dere som er interessert i billetter, finnes all informasjon om kjøp og fremgangsmåte her.

I dag klokken 1800 legges billettene ut for salg

7. juni 2021.
"Springsteen On Broadway", returner i sommer
I dag slapp Bruce Springsteen den store nyheten om at han returnerer til Broadway i sommer.
Hele 30 forestillinger vil bli arrangert fra 26. juni og frem til 4. september.

"Springsteen On Broadway" i sommer

"I loved doing Springsteen on Broadway and I’m thrilled to have been asked to reprise the show as part of the reopening of Broadway"
~ Bruce Springsteen.

Denne gangen vil forestillingene holdes i St. James Theatre.
For å kunne entre teateret, må man kunne vise frem bevis for at man har full vaksinering.

Bruce on Broadway

Video: Rune

Billettsalget starter allerede denne torsdagen.
Full oversikt over tidspunkt for forestillingene og informasjon om billetter, kan leses her.

6. juni 2021.
The Complete Story of Born in the USA
"Born in the USA forandret livet mitt, ga meg mitt største publikum, tvang meg til å tenke hardere på måten jeg presenterte musikken på", skrev Bruce Springsteen i sin selvbiografi "Born To Run" fra 2016.

Bruce under "Born In The USA turneen i 1985

Filmskaper Dennis Laverty har tatt for seg denne unike perioden i Springsteens karriere, i dokumentarfilmen "The Complete Story of Born in the USA Album and World Tour". Denne sju timer lange filmen er nå tilgjengelig på Vimeo og er fordelt på to filmer.

Filmen ble sluppet fredag den 4. juni, da det var 37-årsjubileet for utgivelsen av "Born In The USA", som ble sluppet i 1984.

Alternativ coverbilde til "Born In The USA" albumet

Dennis Laverty har benyttet tidligere tilgjengelige, men ofte sjeldne film- og videofilmer, bilder, avisklipp og plakater for å dokumentere Springsteens karriere gjennom "Born In The USA" epoken, fra sommeren 1984 og frem til slutten av 1985.

The Complete Story of Born in the USA - Del 1

The Complete Story of Born in the USA - Del 2

Her er filmskaperens egen presentasjon av filmen:

"The Following is a fan made documentary using rare newsclips, newspaper articles, photos, posters and videos from Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band World Tour 1984-1985.

Born in the U.S.A. is the seventh studio album by American rock singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen. It was released by Columbia Records on June 4, 1984. The album's music was written by Springsteen and recorded with his E Street Band and producers Chuck Plotkin and Jon Landau at The Power Station and The Hit Factory in New York City.

Springsteen var i alle nyhetskanaler i denne perioden

Born in the U.S.A. was met with positive reviews and massivecommercial success. It produced seven top-10 hit singles and was promoted with a worldwide concert tour by Springsteen. Born in the U.S.A. became his most commercially successful album and one of the highest-selling records ever, having sold 30 million copies by 2012. It has also been cited by critics as one of the greatest albums of all time. The album received a nomination for Album of the Year at the 1985 Grammy Awards.

The BITUSA sessions covered more than two years (January 1982 through March 1984), and produced approximately 80 songs. It is impossible to separate them from the songs that comprised the album Nebraska; all but one of the January 1982 Nebraska demos were recorded with the E Street Band during April–May. The decision to create Nebraska from the demos came after these sessions.

Springsteen under "Nebraska" session

MTV had become the mainstream for artists to promote their music. Springsteen tried to remain coherent to his image and the values appreciated by his core fans, but also he tried to reach a new and broader audience through the music video medium. This film contains Bruce's complete answers from interview with MTV VJ Mark Goodman in 1984.
Segments of the interview were used in MTV specials.

Bruce begynte å spille på store utendørsarenaer

The Born in the U.S.A. Tour was the supporting concert tour of Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. album. It
was his longest and most successful tour to date. It featured a physically transformed Springsteen; after two years of bodybuilding, the singer had bulked up considerably. The tour was the first since the 1974 portions of the Born to Run tours without guitarist Steven Van Zandt, who decided to go solo after recording the album with the group. Van Zandt,who was replaced by Nils Lofgren, would appear a few times throughout the tour and in some of the music videos to promote the album. It was also the first tour to feature Springsteen's future wife, Patti Scialfa.

The tour started in June 1984 and went through the United States and to Canada. In March 1985 the tour went to Australia, Japan and Europe. It then headed back for a second leg of the U.S. tour in which Springsteen and the E Street Band played to sold-out professional football stadiums. The tour finished in October 1985 in Los Angeles.

Bruce besøkte også Japan i løpet av turneen

The tour grossed $80–90 million overall. Of that, $34 million came from Springsteen's summer 1985 stadium dates in North America. The Born in the U.S.A. album was inside the top 10 of the Billboard 200 during the entire tour. Springsteen also was enjoying a hit single from the album (there were seven in total) during any moment of the tour. The album along with Springsteen's previous album, Nebraska, which he did not tour to promote, were performed in their entirety throughout the tour. Total attendance was 3.9 million."

4. juni. 2021.
Albumet "Born In The USA"
På denne datoen, for 37 år siden, ble dette legendariske albumet sluppet.
Born in the U.S.A er tittelen på det sjuende albumet til Bruce Springsteen og ble ugitt den 4. juni i 1984.
Albumet ble Springsteens mest populære album noensinne. Både publikum og musikkanmeldere elsket albumet.
I USA ble 15 millioner kopier av albumet solgt, mens på verdensbasis ble hele 30 millioner solgt. "Born In The USA" var også for øvrig det mestselgende albumet i USA i 1985.

Born in The U.S.A. (The Platoon Edition)

Videoredigering: Rune

Allerede så langt tilbake som 1981 begynte Bruce å skrive på låten, som tre år senere skulle bli en av tidenes mest populære rockelåt. Opprinnelig var det meningen at Bruce skulle lage filmusikk til en film med samme navn, som skulle produseres av Paul Schrader. Dette ble ikke noe av og låten ble liggende frem til 1982 hvor Bruce lagde en ny akkustisk versjon, som senere skulle bli utgitt på Tracks i 1998.

Låten "Born in the U.S.A" er en av tidenes mest misforståtte sang. Ofte blir låten spilt under idrettsarrangementer, nasjonaldagen og andre begivenheter hvor man ønsker å vise sin patriotisme til landet og flagget. Ofte er det kun refrenget man tenker over og resten av teksten blir overskygget av den dominante og suggererende melodien.
Under flere av turneene har Springsteen strippet ned låten til en hel-akustisk versjon, slik den først var tiltenkt, for bedre å få frem budskapet.

Original tittelen til låten var først "Vietnam" og ble spilt inn i Springsteens hjemmestudio i 1981. Denne versjonen inneholder flere strofer som senere ble med på "Born In The USA" og "Shut Out The Light". Versjonen som ble utgitt på albumet som ble lansert i 1984, ble spilt inn i studioet The Power Station i april og mai 1982.

"Born In The USA" - Et av tidenes mestselgende album

I denne perioden skrev han flere akkustiske låter, som var planlagt å bli sluppet på Nebraska. Disse ble rearrangert og havnet til slutt på albumet "Born In The USA". Noen av disse var blant annet "Working On The Highway" og "Downbound Train".
Senere dette året samlet han bandet og spilte inn en ny versjon, med en helt ny melodi, og med fullt band. Det var denne versjonen som to år senere skulle erobre verden med en av tidenes mest kjente refreng.

Les mer om sangen "Born In The USA" her.

arkivet for tidligere Springsteen saker.

  Copyright Badlandso (mars-2007)