31. mars 2021. From My Home to Yours #20
På den siste dagen i mars, fikk vi servert den 20. utgaven av "From My Home To Yours".
Jubileum-sendingen har fått tittelen "Here Comes The Weekend" og det ble spilt sanger som har fokus på å feire helgen.
Merkelig nok var det ingen Springsteen-sanger på spillelisten. Det finnes utrolig mange flotte låter av Springsteen som handler nettopp om det å feire arbeidsukens slutt og feiring av helgene.
Dagens program var den korteste av de 20 episodene, og varte i omtrent 50 minutter.
Dagens sending var den 20. i rekken
Låtene som ble spilt under programmet:
The Easybeats - "Friday on My Mind"
The Cure - "Friday I'm in Love"
Chicago - "Saturday in the Park"
Loney Dear - "Saturday Waits"
Kristina Train - "Saturdays Are the Greatest"
Frank Sinatra - "Saturday Night (Is the Loneliest Night of the Week)"
The Drifters - "Saturday Night at the Movies"
Cat Stevens - "Another Saturday Night"
Tony Joe White - "Saturday Night in Oak Grove Louisiana"
Acid House Kings - "Sunday Morning"
Kris Kristofferson - "Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down"
Loverboy - "Working For the Weekend"
Gary U.S. Bonds - "Seven Day Weekend"
Dave Edmunds - "Here Comes the Weekend"
"Out In The Street" - En av mine favoritt "helgelåter"
Dette er hva Bruce sa gjennom sendingen:
"Greetings, creatures of Earths, fellows, freaks, interstellar rock fans, local beach bums, New Jersians, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, listeners from sea to shining sea and around the globe. Welcome to Volume 20 of 'From My Home to Yours,' titled 'Here Comes the Weekend'. What is better than the weekend? Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Even a non-working bum like me can remember being in school and counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds before that 3 o'clock bell rang on Friday afternoon, and I was free, free of anybody running my life, telling me where I had to be, when I had to be there. I would burst through the school doors, walk that happy mile from school, down through town, throw my books on the kitchen table, run to my room, rip myself out of my school clothes, deposit them on the floor, settle in for two and a half days of blissful freedom. Oh, yes. Oh, yes, the weekend! My God, how I lived for it. And there is no song that totally captures the anticipation of that moment better than the Easybeats single, coming straight from Down Under, 'Friday on My Mind'."
"Easybeats, 'Friday on My Mind.' Epic. And here's The Cure, with 'Friday I'm in Love'."
"'Friday I'm in Love'. Hell yes, I am. Friday night was the CYO dance. I'd be there in front of the band, not dancing, but doing my real homework of the week, studying, studying, studying that lead guitarist's hands, inscrutably watching every riff and run he made, and then I would run home while the other kids were gettin' their pizza down at Federici's, chasing the girls. I would run up to my room, and early into Saturday morning I would be trying to replicate what I had seen down at the dance until I dropped to sleep with the guitar in my hands. Then, at 16, I would hop up around, oh, 11 o'clock. I would head to the bus terminal. I would hop on the Lincoln Transit bus headed for Washington Square Park and Greenwich Village. I lived in the Village on weekends. As a teenager, anything to get me from that big boot pressing down on my neck in my lovely little redneck town. That piece of MacDougal from … I guess from about Washington Square to Bleecker, I think is the only piece of the authentic '60s Village that's still intact. And I lived on that piece of concrete for, I don't know, '65, '66, '67. If you go there now, you can see it exactly as it was when Steve Van Zandt and I together tramped the concrete, from the park to the Cafe Wha? … check it out.
"That was 'Saturday Waits' by Loney, Dear and before that 'Saturday in the Park' by Chicago."
"Now, there was only one time when the weekend could be truly toxic, and that was when you had freshly broken up with your girl. Then the weekend would stick in your guts and break your heart with time and emptiness. This is the incredible Kristina Train, with 'Saturdays Are the Greatest'."
"That was the great voice of Kristina Train from her album Dark Black. This is an album you have to own. You have to have it in your library. It's one of my favorite records of, I don't know, the past decade. And it was terribly overlooked here in the States. And it just deserves a much bigger audience. Dark Black, Dark Black, Dark Black, Kristina Train. You will not regret checking into this wonderful piece of music."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Chairman of the Board."
"Saturday night. That's the night the weekend was centered upon. The night when it's supposed to happen. You're supposed to meet that girl, play that killer set with your band, hang with your boys, go to the movies, and wait, wait, wait for transcendence … The Drifters."
"That was Cat Stevens with 'Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody'. Of course that was originally cut by Sam Cooke. And before that, the beautiful 'Saturday Night at the Movies'. That just brings so much emotion with it that … The Drifters were simply one of my favorite groups of all time. 'Saturday Night at the Movies', the immortal Drifters. A lead sung by Johnny Moore. Beautiful job. Written by the amazing Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, and produced by Bert Berns. Tony Joe White, bring us the Southern funk!"
"That's right, 'cause as Tony Joe White just said, 'when you look good, you feel good, and everything is gonna be all right come Saturday night'. Then you wake up, and it's Sunday morning. This is the Acid House Kings."
"As I got older, I'd spent my Friday and Saturday nights at the Stone Pony or in other clubs in Asbury Park. Never took a drink till I was 24 years old: tequila at the Osprey in Manasquan, compliments of my great friend Big Danny, and after that, for quite a while, I tried to make up for lost time. So when I woke up on a Sunday morning, feeling hazy, exposed and guilty, was when I felt terrible but knew I had had a good time. Ouch."
"That was Kris Kristofferson, with the classic and oh-so-truthful 'Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down'. I've been there, and I've done that."
"Loverboy, a great hit. Now, here's the man who had the answer to it all, back in the '60s. My friend, the legendary Gary U.S. Bonds, who knew all trouble would be gone if there was just a seven-day weekend."
"And that's our show. Please have a great weekend, and go in peace. Taking us out will be the fabulous Dave Edmunds."
30. mars 2021. Renegades: Born In The USA (nummer sju av åtte)
Den 7. episoden av podcasten "Renegades: Born In The USA" har fått tittelen "Finding Home: Fatherhood". Denne episoden reflekterer over det viktigste i deres liv, som er familien, og hva de har lært av å være ektemenn og fedre.
Man kan høre hele episoden i mediespilleren under.
Samtlige episoder kan høres her.
25. mars 2021. Renegades: Born In The USA (samleside)
Jeg har opprettet en egen side med samtlige av episodene som til nå er utgitt. Episodene er lagt kronologisk og kan spilles av i egen mediespiller.
Jeg vil legge ut samtlige episoder, etter hvert som de legges ut offisielt, slik at man til slutt har alle episodene tilgjengelig og samlet på et sted.
Klikk her eller på bildet for å komme til samlesiden med "Renegades: Born In The USA".
23. mars 2021. Renegades: Born In The USA
I går ble den sjette utgaven av "Renegades: Born In The USA" utgitt og ligger nå tilgjengelig på Spotify. Episode 6 har fått navnet "Wrestling with Ghosts: American Men".
Wrestling with Ghosts: American Men
Bruce og Barack åpner opp om deres kompliserte forhold til deres fedre og hva det betyr å være mann. Springsteen fremførte deler av "My Fathers House".
Episode 6: Wrestling with Ghosts: American Men
18. mars 2021. Renegades: Born In The USA
I serien "Renegades: Born In The USA", har det nå blitt utgitt fem episoder av i alt åtte. Hver av de fem episodene er tilgjengelig på Spotify.
Renegades: Born In The USA
Episode 3 har fått navnet "Amazing Grace: American Music" og ble sluppet den 1. mars.
Samtalen dreier seg om populærmusikk, som er den største av amerikansk kunstform. Episoden åpner med en kort felles fremførelse av "Further Up The Road".
Senere i episoden fremfører Bruce korte utdrag av "Honky Tonk Woman" og "Twist And Shout". President Obama forteller historien bak en av hans mest berømte taler.
Bruce og Barack hjemme hos Bruce i Colts Neck, NJ
Episode 4, har fått tittelen "Born To Run: The Loss Of Innocence". Denne ble sluppet den 8. mars.
I denne episoden diskuterer de tapet av amerikansk uskyld og romantikken til "the open road".
Presidenten forteller en fornøyelig historie om en fornøyelsestur i en vintage Corvette.
Bruce fremfører en av sine låter under podcasten
Episode 5 har tittelen "Every Man For Himself: Money And The American Dream" og ble sluppet den 15. mars. Bruce og Barack diskuterer hverandres oppvekst, hvor de begge vokste opp fattige, men lykkelige. De kommer også innom temaet om klasse, muligheter og hva som gikk galt med oppadgående mobilitet i Amerika.
I denne episoden fremfører Bruce akustiske versjoner av "Atlantic City" og "Used Cars".
12. mars 2021. Live Vaults, The Live Archives (nr. 65)
Årets tredje "Live Vault" utgivelse er den 5. utgivelsen fra "Reuinon" turneen, som varte fra 9. april 1999 til 1. juli 2000.
Turneen startet i Europa, nærmere bestemt i Barcelona og avsluttet med ti konserter i Madison Square Garden, hvorav den siste ble spilt den 1. juli 2000. Europaturneen ble avsluttet på Valle Hovin i Oslo den 27. juni i 1999.
Den 65. utgivelsen i Live Vault serien, er hentet fra MSG i 2000.
Turneen var den første med "The E Street Band", siden "Tunnel Of Love Express Tour" i 1988, på elleve år og ble en enorm suksess.
Little Steven var tilbake i bandet, siden han forlot "The E Street Band" i forkant av "Born In The USA" turneen, og sammen med Nils Lofgren og Bruce dannet de en sterk gitar-trio som endret litt av lydbildet fra tidligere E Street konserter.
Clarence og Bruce under konserten den 27/6-00
Dagens utgivelse er hentet fra en av de ti avslutningskonsertene i New York, nærmere bestemt konserten fra den 27. juni.
Avslutningskonserten den 1. juli ble filmet og store deler av konserten ble gitt ut på både album- og videoversjon og fikk navnet "Live In New York City". Denne ble utgitt den 27. mars i 2001.
Konserten fra 27. juni, altså nøyaktig et år siden de avsluttet Europa turneen i Oslo, inneholder 24 låter.
Disse var: Code Of Silence / The Ties That Bind / Adam Raised A Cain / Two Hearts / Trapped / Factory / American Skin (41 Shots) / The Promised Land / Youngstown / Murder Incorporated / Badlands / Out In The Street / Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out / Loose Ends / Back In Your Arms / Mary Queen Of Arkansas / Backstreets / Light Of Day / Hungry Heart / Born To Run / Blinded By The Light / Thunder Road / If I Should Fall Behind / Land Of Hope And Dreams
Back In Your Arms (27/6-00)
The Reunion tour marked its triumphant conclusion with a ten-show stand in New York City. MSG 6/27/00 puts the exceptional eighth show of the run in the spotlight and a setlist that spans from newly debuted "Code Of Silence" and "American Skin (41 Shots)," all the way back to Springsteen's first single, "Blinded By The Light." Additional highlights include "Adam Raised A Cain," "Trapped," "Factory," "Loose Ends," an ultra rare performance of "Mary Queen of Arkansas," and the E Street Band playing its Stax/Volt best on Bruce's modern soul classic, "Back In Your Arms."
"Blinded By The Light" ble spilt for første og eneste gang i 2000.
Som vanlig inneholdt flere av låtene utdrag av andre låter inne i sangen. "Two Hearts" inneholdt "It Takes Two". "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" hadde utdrag av låtene "It's All Right", "Take Me To The River", "Red Headed Woman", og "Rumble Doll". "Light Of Day" inneholdt "C.C. Rider" og "Jenny Jenny" sammen med "I've Been Everywhere" og i tillegg et instrumental utdrag av "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction".
Oversikt over offisielle live utgivelser fra arkivet (12/3-21)
10. mars 2021. From My Home to Yours #19 Dagens utgave av radioserien "From My Home to Yours", på SiriusXM satellittradio, var den 19. i rekken og har fått navnet "Fans and Bands".
Programmets tema omhandlet musikere og deres fans, ikke minst sine egne tilhengere.
Bruce Springsteen spilte tre av sine egne låter under radiosendingen. Disse var: "Where The Bands Are". "Last Man Standing" og "Letter To You".
Nattens sending var den 19. i rekken
Låtene som ble spilt under sendingen: Kings Of Flannel (Bobby Sutliff)
Byrdgirl (Matthew Sweet)
Rockin' Here Tonight (Slim Dunlap)
Where The Bands Are (Bruce Springsteen)
Girl From Washington (The Windbreakers)
Girl Of My Dreams (Bram Tchaikovsky)
Last Man Standing (Bruce Springsteen)
Pumping Iron (Iron City Houserockers)
Coma Girl (Joe Stummer & The Mescaleros)
Sally Was A Legend (Robyn Hitchcock)
Battle Of The Bands (Webb Wilder)
Kick Out The Jams (Mc5)
Masters Of Reality (Jody Sings)
You Made It (Teddy Thompson)
She's A God (Blue Cartoon)
I'm In Love With Your Rock And Roll (Kish Mauve)
Letter To You (Bruce Springsteen)
Ladies And Gentlemen… (The Live Anthology Version - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
American Girl (The Live Anthology Version - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)
Last Man Standing - Bruce Springsteen
Du kan lese hva Springsteen sa her
"Greetings earthlings, gentlemen, ladies, fans, friends, listeners from coast to coast and around the world. This is Bruce Springsteen, and allow me to welcome you to Vol. 19 of 'From My Home to Yours,' titled 'Fans and Bands.' This is an episode based around musicians and their muses, the folks and fans who inspire us, keep us in cheeseburgers, and keep us coming. I'm gonna start out with Bobby Sutliff's Byrds-influenced 'Kings of Flannel,' followed by Matthew Sweet and the muse 'Byrdgirl'. Let's get it."
"We started out with Bobby Sutliff, from his album Perfect Dream, with a perfect song about band life, 'Kings of Flannel', and Matthew Sweet, with the lovely 'Byrdgirl.' Slim Dunlap … Slim Dunlap was born in Plainview, Minnesota, and is best known as a member of The Replacements with Paul Westerberg. He released two solo albums, The Old New Me and Times Like This, both required listening for any true-hearted rock 'n' roll aficionado. Here's Slim Dunlap with Rockin' Here Tonight."
"That was 'Where the Bands Are', by yours truly, written in 1979, in my bedroom, late at night, on Telegraph Hill Road in Holmdel, N.J. Influenced heavily by The Raspberries on this one. It's a tribute to the beauty and thrills of fandom, reflecting my many joyful nights that I spent at The Stone Pony, watching and sitting in with local acts, flirting with the waitresses under the spell of blackberry brandy. Returning home in my white C10 pickup, at 3 a.m., with The Raspberries blasting over my radio and that sweet ringing in my ears, as I fell off to sleep. Those were the days of good feelings of being a part of something, of a real community of musicians and locals, of folks who when Saturday night rolled around, had someplace to go, somebody to see, something to dedicate yourself to. And music, music, music, music to play, to listen to, to live to. Here's one for the 'Girl From Washington'."
"That was Bram Tchaikovsky, the fabulous one-hit wonder, with 'Girl of My Dreams', preceded by The Windbreakers, a group that included our opener, Bobby Sutliff, and hailed from Mississippi, and also included singer-guitarist Tim Lee, best known for their 1985 album Terminal. I first hear 'Girl From Washington' on their compilation, Time Machine (1982-2002). Great Band. And speaking of songs about bands … ."
"That was 'Coma Girl', by Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros. Joe was a religious attendee of the Glastonbury Festival, and that's where it feels like this song came from. Quote: 'I was crawling through a festival way out west … through all the stages I wandered … Coma Girl and the excitement gang, Mona Lisa on the motorcycle gang.' A classic fan's tribute from my brother from another mother, Joe Strummer. You are deeply missed. Previous to that, my Pittsburgh brother, Joe Grushecky, with his Houserockers, with the killing 'Pumpin Iron'."
"So you're onstage, and an hour into the show, and you haven't quite caught fire yet. That's an unpleasant feeling, that far into the night. So you are casing the crowd, eyes on the front row, looking for a little inspiration, searching for some gasoline to throw on the fire. This is Robyn Hitchcock, and 'Sally Was a Legend'."
"And this is Webb Wilder with 'Battle of the Bands'."
"That was, of course, the legendary Detroit-born and -bred, inimitable MC5, with 'Kick Out the Jams,' a song, many listeners do not know, is a raging tribute to playing rock 'n' roll. To quote: 'The wailing guitars … the crash of the drums … let me be who I am, and let me kick out the jams, motherfucker!' Coming up, Masters of Reality, a group I was introduced to during some studio downtime in Atlanta, while I was making my series of albums with the great producer, Brendan O'Brien. This is 'Jody Sings'."
"And that was 'You Made It', a great song by Teddy Thompson, son of the great guitarist and songwriter Richard Thompson, from Teddy's great album, Separate Ways. It is a song about making it, with the classic lyrics, 'You made it, what you gonna do now?' Whoa! That is the question. Here's Blue Cartoon, with one of my all-time favorite fan tribute songs, 'She's a God'."
"That was Kish Mauve, formed in London in 2005, a British electropop group, with 'I'm in Love With Your Rock 'n' Roll' from the album Black Heart. And speaking of tribute to fans … ."
"Letter To You" - Bruce Springsteen
"That was 'Letter To You' by yours truly, and that's our show for today. I will sign off with love and a thank you to all the folks, all of you who've inspired me and acted as my muse over the years. Please keep on coming. There's many miles and a long road ahead before sunset. So God bless, and go in peace."
5. mars 2021.
House of a Thousand Guitars (video)
I disse dager har vi vært påvirket av Korona-pandemien i ca. et års tid. Dette har ført til at de fleste av oss har måtte legge om livet fullstendig. Fritidstilbud og aktiviteter har blitt satt på pause eller tilbudene har blitt kraftig redusert, underholdningsbransjen har blitt kraftig påvirket og ikke minst har vi som enkeltindivider fått mange begrensninger som vi ikke i vår villeste fantasi hadde trodd var mulig. Men det er vel liten tvil om at fleste av disse tiltakene har vært nødvendige for å hindre en enda større spredning av Korona viruset.
Nå ser det heldigvis ut til at vaksineringen kommer til å øke i omfang og kanskje kan vi se en tilnærmet normalitet etter sommeren.
Lengselen etter å oppleve Springsteen live igjen Fotomix: Rune
Springsteen ga ut "Letter To You" den 23. oktober i fjor, altså i 2020. De fleste av disse låtene ble spilt inn over en femdagers periode på slutten av 2019 i Springsteens hjemmestudio "Stone Hill Studio".
Det gikk troverdige rykter om at dette albumet skulle lanseres sommeren 2020 med en etterlengtet E Street Band turne. Men på grunn av pandemien ble utgivelsen utsatt og til slutt lansert i oktober i fjor.
Nå kan det se ut som om det planlegges med en stor turne neste år (2021) og forhåpentligvis er da alt tilbake til normalen slik at vi igjen kan samles og glede oss over en ny opplevelse med Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band live.
Innspillingen av albumet, november 2019
Jeg har laget en video, hvor jeg har forsøkt å sette sammen litt av det som er så fantastisk med å oppleve Bruce Springsteen live. Her har jeg forsøkt å fange opp stemningen i forkant av konsertene, både utenfor stadionene og på planen foran scenen, og selvfølgelig hvordan det er å være tett innpå der det skjer under konserten.
Mens vi venter på neste konsertrunde, kan denne videoen være et minne om hvorfor vi savner dette så mye.
Alle klippene i videoen, med unntak av original videoen, har jeg selv filmet på konserter rundt om i Europa.
House of a Thousand Guitars The blood moon shines across the veil
Bells ring out through churches and jails
I tally my wounds and count the scars
In the house of a thousand guitars
The criminal clown has stolen the throne
He steals what he can never own
May the truth ring out from every small town bar
We'll light up the house of a thousand guitars
Well it's alright and it's alright
Meet me darling come Saturday night
All good souls from near and far
Will meet in the house of a thousand guitars
Here the bitter and the bored
Wake in search of the lost chord
That'll band us together for as long as there's stars
Yeah in the house of a thousand guitars
Well it's alright and it's alright
Meet me darling come Saturday night
Brother and sister wherever you are
We'll meet in the house of a thousand guitars
So we can shake off your troubles my friend
We'll go where the music never ends
From the stadiums to the small town bars
We'll light up the house of a thousand guitars
House of a thousand guitars, house of a thousand guitars
Brother and sister wherever you are
We'll rise together till we find the spark
That'll light up the house of a thousand guitars
Well it's alright and it's alright
Meet me darling come Saturday night
All good souls from near and far
We'll meet at the house of a thousand guitars
A thousand guitars, a thousand guitars
A thousand guitars, a thousand guitars
A thousand guitars, a thousand guitars
A thousand guitars, a thousand guitars